Spread of Rage Festival: 5 questions to Backstabbed

Backstabbed is fucking powerful hardcore, with heavy moshparts and an energy that would make the world champion of apnea asthmatic! They will be at the Spread of Rage Festival, next September, discover them here…

RiskTheDeath: Introduce the band in a few words.

Backstabbed: Our band Backstabbed was formed in summer of 2018. A few of us already played together in various bands before. We played our first show in October 2018 in Strasbourg, our first EP „23“ was released in February 2019. In May 2019 we played our first tour across Germany. 10 Days long with 9 Shows, all self organized. In fall 2019 our singer left Backstabbed, until then we already played around 40 shows in the year we had together. Shortly after the breakup with our singer, we released our second EP « Scapegoat » with 8 tracks. It’s a little bit more melodic and „softer“ than 23. After the leaving of our singer we searched for a new singer but couldn’t find anyone, then covid came. Over covid we didn’t practise for almost a year. The only thing we did was release „A Note To Myself“ in spring of 2021, our third EP. We recorded it in summer of 2019 with our old singer. In summer 2021 we started practising again, until then we still not had a singer, so we decided our guitarrist Max will take the part of the singer. We had enough of searching. A friend of us who already helped us out a few times became our new guitarrist and we were ready again to hit the road. We don’t have a label or something, we release all by ourself and organize our shows alone.

RTD: Which band influenced you the most?

B: That’s a difficult question. All of us hear such different kinds of music and everbody adds his style. But i think to name a few bands: Stick to your Guns, Guilt Trip, Get the shot. For me it’s hard to compare us with only one band. We have songs with clean singing, beatdowns, breakdowns, almost black metal parts. Every EP of us is quite different from the others, it depends what music we listened around the writing process haha. I think we don’t really only play one genre, but that’s not even our intention.

RTD: The festival plays with an imagery around the retro gaming. What is your favorite retro game?

B: Not easy, my answer maybe sounds little bit lame but i think i’ll go with Pac Man or Tetris.

RTD: Why shouldn’t we miss your show at the Spread of Rage Festival?

B: Because we will go to the studio soon and record a new EP, which will be the hardest until then. Also we have a new singer with a new vocal style, so there’s lot of new stuff coming over the next months!

RTD: Do you have a concert or recording anecdote to tell us?

B: I think the best story happened in the end of 2019, one of our first shows. We were invited to play a house party, and the party was inside an old swimming pool. So the whole crowd stood at the bottom of the pool and everything was so slippery and wet due tot he sweat on the flagstones. For me one of the best shows i ever played in my life, even if there were not so many people, but just the fact that we played in an old swimming pool was so cool. Reminded us in the old times when all the bands filmed there musicvideos in old pools and all the kids skated around them (haha).

Thanks to Side to Side Production and the band Backstabbed for their answers and their time… Don’t hesitate to watch the band’s presentation video on the festival’s Facebook page. And see you every Thursday at 6pm, for a new band announcement…

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