Interview: Frank de Hatebreed (VO)

A few days ago, Frank Novinec, guitarist from Hatebreed for 14 years, agreed to answer our questions. Indeed, the hardcore band that no longer needs to prove itself released on November 27, his 8th studio album « Weight of the False Self« .


RiskTheDeath: You are used to release an album about every 3 to 4 years, and « Weight of the False Self » is no exception to the rule; indeed, since your album precedes « The Concrete Confessional » was released in May 2016: how do you explain this regularity in your discography?

Frank: It’s really simple, by the time it takes to travel the world, Europe and the States multiple times and small breaks in between, 3 years have gone by.

RTD: « Weight of the False Self » is Hatebreed’s 8th studio album: would you say that it stands out from the other albums or that it is rather a kind of continuity?

F: For now it does because it’s new to us and the fans. Time always tell about these sort of things when you reflect back. I think this and the two prior records are pretty similar compared to the rest of the catalog.

RTD: The title of the album « Weight of the False Self » is quite hard: why did you choose this title? Do you think that each individual wears a mask, that he hides behind a person he is not really, that he lies to himself?

F: I think that’s a better question for Jamey who came up with it but it’s about the constant struggle of duality and finding ones self. Like always, the album titles are up for interpretation.

RTD: This new album is once again mixed and produced by Chris ‘Zeuss’ Harris, who has been your producer for almost 15 years: you don’t change a winning team? Especially since he brings out the best in you, especially in this new album…

F: Zeuss is our guy, that’s just it, always has a vision, always pushing and the final product is always even better than we expected. Having someone like that is great because you invest a lot of trust into a producer when making a record.

RTD: Speaking of collaboration that works, you once again called on Eliran Kantor, who did the artwork for the album: can you tell us more about this visual?

F: For me, it tells a lot. Struggle. Be careful what you wish for. Doubt. Overcoming. Persevering. At first I had mixed feelings on it but with the overall theme of the record i have really came around to it. It’s great.

RTD: The pandemic has put a stop to the different tours scheduled around the world: how do you occupy your days? Are you already composing new riffs, rehearsing new songs to prepare the return of the concerts? Or just a little rest?

F: Yeah, it’s been tough on everyone and that transcends music. We had all of our shows for 2020 rescheduled for 2021 and time will tell about those. As far as the record being delayed, if it was gonna happen, I have a record store now, called Gruff’s Vinyl. A store here in Florida’s Space Coast where I live that needed a makeover pretty much and I took it on, so that’s been taking up my time (and money!)

RTD: The release of your album has been delayed due to the closure of the pressing plants (in Europe and North America): how do you see the release of the album during this complicated period?

F: I think 6 monthes later is better because the songs will still be in ppls heads when we actually start touring again.

RTD: This new album benefits from a reinforcement of the guitars compared to the last albums: is it possible to say that you have reached another sound level?

F: It’s good to always experiment, in hindsight it seems ridiculous to keep coming up with a heavier guitar tone but we did with the Marshalls we normally use and blended it with a EHV (Rest In Peace) 5150 head as well.

RTD: The song « Cling to Life » is quite different from most of the usual songs: does the title have a special meaning for you? For the band?

F: Everyone keeps saying that but I think it’s completely on course with the other stuff from the last decade, sure the tempo is slower but it almost has a (dare I say) Integrity feel with the solo part, which has been one of many bands to influence HB. It’s not like this is the first song that has a solo from us. While I appreciate the nod on the song from everyone (and I do love the song), the reaction from the press is as if we wrote a power ballad or something (laugh).

RTD: Hatebreed has recently celebrated its 25 years of career: what is your feeling about the evolution of the band, and especially its last years? Do you have anything special planned for the 30th anniversary, which is coming up fast?

F: I think more than anything, when it’s all said and done, we just want to be remembered as a “universal” band. One that broke down the barriers between scenes and had uplifting lyrics that saved lives! Does this mean we are quitting anytime soon? Not a chance! On the other hand, a 30 year anniversary is still a ways off. We need to get this thing back up and running first before we can think about stuff like that.

RTD: You’re a big fan of Turbonegro, do you think a common tour would be possible even if your musical styles are totally different?

F: Sure, I know we can do well with many styles of bands when touring. We have toured with Napalm Death, Five Finger Death Punch, The Casualties, Clutch, Dropkick Murphy’s, Motörhead to name a few. It just goes back to us being a universal band.

RTD: You recently released your own beer « Breedbrew » made by a local brewery: how was this project born?

F: We had taken a stab at beer at an earlier time and thought, “let’s do it again but do it right”, so we got involved with WitchDoctor Brewing out of Southington CT, and it’s gone well, we will be distributing soon and we have done some (socially distanced) events at the Brewery now. The timing was right because of nothing going on tour wise.

RTD: Finally, did you discover any new bands that you would advise us to listen to during this poor period in concert?

F: No, It’s just been 2000s country and Christmas music as of late but I should pay more attn probably now that I have a record store!


Thank you, Hatebreed, and in particular, Frank, for giving us some of his time to answer our questions…

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